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Buy This Beauty Box NOW before it’s GONE!


Breaking Beauty News Royals!

Last year I introduced you ladies and gentleman to Glossybox. When I found out about the Man Repeller & GLOSSYBOX, Winter Survival Edition I flipped my sh*t (as my former college roommate used to say). The Man Repeller has expensive taste and Glossybox is all about luxury. I knew this box was for me. The cost is $21 and it ships FOR FREE. Why am I so excited about THIS box in particular? I’m glad you asked :-) Retail value is included next to each product. In parenthesis, is the size that will be included in your box. The lipsticks alone more than pays for it!

mrglossybox (1)



*Photos taken from Man Repeller.com

Anyway, enough with the rambling. Bottom line is:Click here ——->  ORDER THIS BOX RIGHT NOWWWWW! It’s a great deal and  if you’re not interested in continuing the monthly subscription, then just cancel it before Feb.1st. Also, check out The Man Repeller blog if you haven’t already. It’s very cheekie…I think you’ll love it ;-)

BONUS: Enter the coupon code ‘LIPS’ and receive a free lipstick with your purchase!

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